martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

The drawing at school

The activity encourages children draw on many values, attitudes and learning aid.

Coloring including:

- Promotes the expression and communication.

- Support for the common.

- Respect for the creations of others.

- This familiar with the collaboration and cooperation.

- Develop habits and skills.

- I used to enjoy creating their own designs and others.

- Develop critical and creative attitudes.

- Strengthens motivation.

- Development of reflection and creativity. 

- Children learn to draw
Thise ability to children evolves over time for various reasons such as age, motor skills, exercise, perceptiveness and physical and neurological development.

It is important that all adults around the child respect and appreciate the creations of children. We must strengthen the powers that the child is inside.
We must respect the draw as it is your perception and if adults influence and we express our perception correct and not theirs. Limit their freedom and expression.

When the child shows his work must evaluate and comment on it but never correct or compare with others as this hinders development.
The drawing is a very old form of expression and that our ancestors used as a form of communication, like kids do today.

In children begins as a game that later becomes a form of communication through which do not express what they see as they see it otherwise.

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